This is about Gayyung

Hi,we are GAYYUNG. In Chinese, GAYYUNG(假勇) stands for a fearless attitude towards things that one knows he or she is very likely incapable of. It shows the band's central idea that even though in this confusing world our future is way out of sight, still we are here and doing our gayyungish music for everyone, or perhaps, for ourselves.

Life is in itself capricious, and that's what we want to show you through our music.

2009年7月6日 星期一

7/15 地下社會 with 瑪菲安喬

Tuesday, June 30, 2009





當天我們也會祭出DEMO來與各位分享,買了以後加門票總共才150,很酷了!如果您8/13想要去聯合公園不能來The wall假勇的話,那就絕不能錯過這次的假勇,謝謝各位!

假勇 21:00~21:50



7/15 List

1. 噹噹噹
2. Something is coming
3. 勵志
4. The story begins
5. There is a road
6. Never know
7. You are nobody 你是小人物

1 則留言:

  1. 宣傳單超酷的阿 黃0雅的臉好像相撲選手哈哈
