This is about Gayyung

Hi,we are GAYYUNG. In Chinese, GAYYUNG(假勇) stands for a fearless attitude towards things that one knows he or she is very likely incapable of. It shows the band's central idea that even though in this confusing world our future is way out of sight, still we are here and doing our gayyungish music for everyone, or perhaps, for ourselves.

Life is in itself capricious, and that's what we want to show you through our music.

2010年5月27日 星期四


大家好呀!!假勇接下來將在 6/4 晚上 8:00 政大藝中外面的木平台參加由政大廣告辦的母雞堂露天音樂會(好長!),希望大家能一起來聽音樂,當天還有攝影展和創意市集喔

另外,是這次金旋決賽我們開場 表演內心無比緊張的影片,真的很感謝錄影的人呀!!!(對不 起我一定會戒掉盯著麥克風看的習慣真的好蠢)

3 則留言:

  1. 我正要貼依摩一樣的東西哩

  2. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

  3. 你先戒掉中年男子的習慣吧!!!
