This is about Gayyung

Hi,we are GAYYUNG. In Chinese, GAYYUNG(假勇) stands for a fearless attitude towards things that one knows he or she is very likely incapable of. It shows the band's central idea that even though in this confusing world our future is way out of sight, still we are here and doing our gayyungish music for everyone, or perhaps, for ourselves.

Life is in itself capricious, and that's what we want to show you through our music.

2008年4月6日 星期日




也感謝各位鄉親的支持和某一位高尚的女性一次購買兩張ep。墾丁的天氣實在是非常觀光勝地。我們表演的時間竟然跟八十八顆芭樂籽打到,實在無法魚與熊掌兼得,委屈您們了!我們自己都想依同歡樂了!!我們會在更努力的做出假勇音樂。EP發狂熱賣中,可以在海邊的卡夫卡購得,或是在興安街靠近建國北路口的66豬排店也有賣出喔!在這裡也感謝1976阿凱、子喬。阿焙、SPACE CAKE黃雨晴、拔瓜樂團、BLACK CHANNEL林諾在台下聆聽假勇的演出!六月份!我們卡夫卡不插電見!

